
DA - Motion - Captation

Creation with Nicolas Klimenko of a web-series on feedback from winners
of open innovation challenges organised by Agorize .

Creation with Nicolas Klimenko of a web-series on feedback from winners
of open innovation challenges organised by Agorize.


The Innov'Hackers project is a web series on feedback from challenge winners
who have turned their solutions/innovations into reality.

Nicolas Klimenko created the logo by starting in the world of code,
of development with a monogamous main logo which can be accompanied
by text in a second use. I then developed the universe under his direction
and all the video/motion elements in addition to being in charge of captation,
realization of the episodes

We started in a rather dark universe to be able to distinguish the innovation
with punchy colours. Here, purple represents the world of start-ups and blue
that of students, all of this is dressed up with elements specific to the development
of rather square shapes, icons, text, etc.

Projet Innov'Hackers slide 1 Projet Innov'Hackers slide 2 Projet Innov'Hackers slide 3 Projet Innov'Hackers slide 4 Projet Innov'Hackers slide 5 Projet Innov'Hackers slide 6 Projet Innov'Hackers slide 7


Creation of a 2d/3d motion design intro for the season 1 episodes

Episode 1

Capture, editing and motion design animation of an episode and a teaser.

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