The Anti Drone Network project consists in a risk analysis offer and the implementation of a modular network to guarantee the safety of vulnerable site against Unmaned Aircraft Vehicles!
AIR-Gen is a user friendly Chatbot style interface partnered with an artificial intelligence that has been ‘trained’ to produce high quality, relevant requirements for any given subject.
Using AI and a unique user interface, AIR-Gen will improve the quality and productivity of technical requirement generation and project specifications, thus improving project outcomes.
Create small work-groups that consist of diverse engineers (male/female, junior/senior etc.) sharing their know-how and knowledge (digital tools, projects experience, technical expertise, soft skills etc.) to make it accessible to all Assystem employees.
On each session the work-groups produce different types of resources (text documents, presentations, audio, video tutorials) that will be imported into a database system using the latest data extraction, classification and indexing techniques and made available through a search engine.
Incredible Future
Developing an ecology and energy transition culture within ASSYSTEM and beyond!
Generation of an ecology-conscious community, source of innovation, using the strength of Assystem networks in France and abroad!
Incredible Offer
Business is like a bicycle, to keep your strategic position, you gotta keep improving - We aim to provide accurate and smart bids to our customers by capitalizing on our know-how, our expertise and data science.
Our innovation is to use up to date technologies (data science, ontologies, smart database and IA) combined with the Assystem experience and knowledge acquired throughout the years.
SEAI : Model Based System Engineering (MBSE) and Data Sciences for a new eye on Safety! Transform the engineering activities of safety, from a document-centric to a data-centric approach, with:
-The implementation of Requirements Engineering, helping by Data Sciences through Ontologies definition and automatic extraction of requirements;
-The use of Model Based System Engineering (MBSE) approach to structure and ensure the traceability of requirements through Functional and Product Breakdown structures.
The Avengers
Our 2050 train station innovative project revolves around 3 major ideas: making the station greener, safer and much more user-friendly.
The 2050 train station makes the most of AI safety technology, it goes green and sustainable thanks to fully automated waste management, and improves customer experience with its new, modular and dynamic design.
Tomorrow's train station
The new concept of innovative train station consists of a flexible modular transportation, with full passenger and luggage handling in a security and eco-friendly context This innovation will allow you to travel in a modular shuttle free from your luggage during a safe and reliable experience